The Disney Parks Moms Panel – Keep Moving Forward!

I received my congratulatory email last week. Not the one that congratulates me for my efforts then lets me down gently…but the one with the instructions on how to proceed to the next round of the Disney Parks Moms Panel search. I’m elated! Hope I can meet the challenge. I’m currently working on answers for the Round 2 questions and my video. Wish me luck…and send pixie dust!! Send LOTS of pixie dust.

UPDATE: I didn’t make it past Round 3 (no big surprise)…but I’m still smiling about making it to Round 2. Disney always seems to be able to pick the most amazing applicants for the Moms Panel. I’m hoping I can be amazing some day too! Until then…I’m just a mom in the Park. :o)

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8 Responses

  1. Jud says:

    I like it. :)

  2. DizzneeMomma says:

    Me too, Jud! And I like that you like it!!! :o)

  3. jjzmgailey says:

    Sending all sorts of Pixie Dust your way! :)

  4. DizzneeMomma says:

    Thanks so very much, Jackie! <3

  5. I’ll send you some pixie dust! How’d your application go? I’m so glad mine is all submitted and done!

  6. DizzneeMomma says:

    Thanks, Lori!! I submitted mine hurriedly because I was almost out of time…after discovering I didn’t have my video in the the format I expected it to be in. I didn’t proofread as well as I normally do and I didn’t even watch the video before submitting. Then…I discovered that I actually had another hour to fine tune my responses. I’m not in my own time zone and that threw me off. So…whatever will be, will be. Good luck to us both!!!

  7. Congratulations, Lucinda! That’s wonderful news!

  8. DizzneeMomma says:

    Thanks, PT! :o)

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