Category: NOT Disney Things

Collection of photos from non-Disney destinations

Coco Puffs

A post I started in 2021: The year started out with the senseless death of a close friend, spiraled into the loss of my job and crashed into a global pandemic. I remember when I...

Note to Self:

The future is uncertain, THAT you can count on. Don’t worry about it so much that you miss the great things in your present. Build yourself and prepare. The certainties–relish them when they’re good. Shake...

Another Day

Well, not a thing happened to my blog, as you can see. I did complete my web design class with an A. And and an A- in PhotoShop. But I didn’t learn enough to make...

A Wake with the Vultures

Kid4 and I hung out with the vultures today. Nice experience. The vultures mind a little, but seem mostly unaffected by our presence. They’re too busy taking turns with the possum carcass. A group of...