Disney ABC – "G" is for Goofy

Gallant Galloping Giraffe

Glimmering Glass Guitars

Gargantuan Genie

Grand Glistening Goofy

Goofy with my Gorgeous Gal

Gourmet Goofy with my Grinning Gang

For more Disney Wordless Wednesday photos, visit Focused on the Magic and The Info Mouse.

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14 Responses

  1. Debs says:

    Great Group of “G”s!!!

    Thanks for linking up:)

  2. Terrific pics, I love the glass guitars. Where is that?

  3. Lucinda says:

    Now that my alphabet is complete, I’ll be able to play along with your weekly theme. Couldn’t join sooner because of my compulsive side. :o)

  4. Jud says:

    Gee! Gwarsh! :)

  5. Lucinda says:

    You’re such a Goof, Jud. :o)

  6. Lucinda says:

    The tiny guitars are found at Arribas Brothers. I love browsing their shops on Main Street USA and Downtown Disney.

  7. Beth Green says:

    Great Gs!!! I always love your captions! :)

  8. DIStherapy says:

    I think I saw that same giraffe last week while dining at Sanaa!!! (tee-hee) :D

  9. Wonderful WW photos!

  10. DisMom says:

    Great pics! I especially like the giraffe. Wonderful shot!

  11. Lucinda says:

    Thank you, Beth. I’m always glad when you stop in. :o)

  12. Lucinda says:

    You lucky thing. Your trip sounds so marvelous, DM!

  13. Lucinda says:

    Thanks! :o)

  14. Lucinda says:

    Can’t wait to see pics from your upcoming trip, Amy. Have a blast!!!

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