Everything Animation – Disneyana on Display

There’s less than a month remaining before “Everything Animation” opens at the Douglas County Museum. Piles are beginning to form and ideas are dancing in my head. The clock is ticking…it’s almost show time!

I’ve gathered Disneyana from the kitchen and one of the bedrooms upstairs. I now have four plastic totes filled with plenty more items yet to gather and pack. I cannot wait to see my Disney collection on display.

The director has mentioned misgivings on the suitability of the main display case for my collection. She’s afraid it might be too large for what I have.

Since she doesn’t know what I have, and I am not ready to take my paraphernalia in yet…my exact spot in the exhibit is presently uncertain.

Which really doesn’t matter to me in the least. I am most excited about gathering it and seeing it arranged all together…regardless of where I’m placed in the exhibit.

I’m taking a photographic inventory of everything in the process…and am kind of hoping I’ll find a few things I can get rid of…keeping only what I treasure most.

I have one earlier post on this project that you can read HERE

I’ll write more when I get the collection to the museum so don’t forget to come back later for an update. Or better yet…click my blog banner up top to get to the home page and then use the link in the right sidebar to subscribe via email. Thanks so much for stopping by. You’re all sincerely appreciated!!

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6 Responses

  1. Jud says:

    LOL! Tell her you need MORE space! She obviously has never met a Disney fan. :)

  2. Lucinda says:

    Right. I’m prepared to amaze and astound!! ;o)

  3. manda says:

    This is so cool!! :D I can’t wait to see more about your exhibit! I love the clock! :)

  4. Lucinda says:

    The clock is one of my favorites too! :o)

  5. Deb says:

    Oh how exciting! You’re going to blow them away!! I can’t wait to see pics!!

  6. Lucinda says:

    I am excited…and hoping I can blow them away. I can’t wait to share pics with you Deb!

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