Aloha e Komo Mai!

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9 Responses

  1. Lucinda says:

    Seems to be a problem with the Wordless Wednesday site. Should be up again soon…try back later! Thanks!!

  2. mamamcd333 says:

    Happy Wordless Wednesday! Great picture!

  3. Debbie says:

    How cute.

  4. What a great photo, they all look so happy. I love the yellow or the onesie against the blue of Stitch.

  5. Lucinda says:

    Thanks you! And thanks for visiting my blog. I’ve visited and subscribed to yours.

  6. Lucinda says:

    Thank you Debbie!

  7. Lucinda says:

    It is definitely our happy place Lorie! I love how Stitch is sniffing Jonebug’s head.

  8. Jud says:

    Are those your children in the photo with Stitch? Beautiful!

  9. Lucinda says:

    It’s a sample of my children. 2 of 5. Thanks!

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